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Patti Marxsen

Writing Beyond Words


My experience as an expat in Europe and travels on three continents have taught me to approach language, literature, biography, and the art of  translation as critical points of entry into our ever-changing world.

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A Few Reviews...

Together, Ramuz and Marxsen have listened to--and looked at--the river there "where it begins to glisten white and you see it flee toward the west." They have distilled the gold like alchemists and shared it with us in Riversong of the Rhone.

Susan M. Tiberghien, founder of the Geneva Writers Group, is the author of Looking for Gold, Circling Toward the Center,  and One Year to a Writing Life.

Based on new primary sources, this first English-language study of an international life offers insights into a forgotten woman and her times. Helene Schweitzer did indeed have a life of her own that is worth remembering.​​

Jean H. Baker, American historian and Professor Emerita at Goucher College. Author of Margaret Sanger: A Life of Passion and Mary Todd Lincoln: A Biography

Thanks to such works as Patti Marxsen's illuminating book  ... we can rest assured that the story of  Roumain's extraordinary life will be known in Haiti and beyond for generations to come.​​

Matthew J. Smith is Professor of History and Director of the Centre for the Study of the Legacies of British Slavery, Univeristy College  London. His most recent book is  Liberty, Fraternity, Exile: Haiti and Jamaica After Emancipation

Writers on Writing  ...

The writer has little control over personal temperament, none over the historical moment, and is only partly in charge of his or her own aesthetic. 

–Julian Barnes, Nothing to be Frightened Of

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